Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pictures from Granite Day 2013

Granite Construction spent the day with Whitehead students teaching us about safety, construction projects and equipment. Then we topped it off with a BBQ lunch outside.

Celebrating "Student of The Year" at JWES

What an great assembly on Thursday . Our whole school came together to recognize one student per class who was chose as the Student of The Year. The beautiful part of this celebration, was that with each story I read, and each name I called out, the entire student body erupted into applause and cheers, and yes even some tears of happiness. What a wonderful example of how special all of our Whitehead students are !

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Final Count Down of the 2012-2013 School Year...

Check out the JWES celebrations and events:

Tues. May 28th

9:00am 6th grade Band/Choir/Strings Performance for families in the JWES cafeteria

Wed. May 29th
2:15 Early Release for students

Thurs. May 30th
10:00 School Assembly end of year awards in cafeteria

Fri. May 31st
9-11:30 Granite Day: Granite Construction Presentations to all grades 
11:30-12:30 Granite BBQ : each student will need to buy hot lunch for $2.50 to get the hot dog or hamburger hot lunch, or students may bring their own cold lunch from home
1:45-2:45 Staff vs. 6th graders Softball game

Mon. June 3rd
1:30 6th grade Celebration Ceremony in cafeteria ( due to the small size of cafe, no JWES siblings please )

Tues. June 4th
9:30 Kinder Celebration Ceremony for AM and PM classes in cafeteria (due to the small size of cafe, no JWES siblings please)

Yearbook Day distribution day 

Wed. June 5th
9:00-11:30 JWES Field Day: wear sneakers,and sunscreen, bring water bottles (parent volunteers are appreciated)

12:50 Student Early Release 
            Sent home with each child : final report card, Year long MAP assessment scores, supply list for 2013-14 school year

Have A Wonderful Summer !