Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sparks Tribune delivered to 5th graders

Mr. Kent Lauer, the Editor & Publisher of the Sparks Tribune made a surprise visit to Mr. Midcalf's 5th grade class today.

The 5th graders wrote persuasive letters to the editor of the Sparks Tribune asking him to please consider donating some newspapers to our 5th grade classrooms. 

Mr. Lauer was so impressed with the letters he received yesterday, that he arrived at our school today with a pile of this week's Sparks Tribune. 

The students were grateful to spend almost 45 minutes interviewing Mr. Lauer, asking questions such as "how long does it take to publish a paper from start to finish" to "is it hard to keep coming up with ideas to write about?"

Mr. Midcalf and his students spent part of the afternoon reading the newspaper and learning about the layout, the different parts of a paper and finding all kinds of great information about the City of Sparks and The Battleborn State of Nevada.

Even though technology has changed the way we get most of our news today, reading the Sparks Tribune from an actually newspaper may be the beginning 
of a wonderful habit for many of these students. 

Thank you Sparks Tribune and Mr. Kent Lauer for supporting the readers and writers in 5th grade at Whitehead ES! 

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