Monday, June 16, 2014

3rd/4th SWAS Supply List 2014-2015

3rd/4th SWAS Supply List 2014-2015

Supply List 2014-2015

1 inch binder
       6 folders-  all 3 hole punched to go inside the binder
                        ELA (English Language Arts)
                        Social Studies

2 Composition Notebooks (1 per semester- you can leave the 2nd one at home until after Winter Break)

4 Spiral Notebooks- college rule  (all needed at the start of the year)

1 Flash drive

Scissors (small student ones)

1 Ream Printer Paper

Expo Markers- at least 3


Red Pen (ballpoint)- at least 2

Sticky Notes- 2” x 2” square

Highlighters (no more than 2)

Pencil box (not too big- needs to hold extra pencils, pens, highlighters and scissors)



Music: Ms. Anderson is requiring recorders for Music. You can either bring in $5.00 to get one from her, or bring in your own. If you bring one in please make sure it is of good quality, like from a music store, or a hand-me-down from another student. The recorders from some places are cheep and don’t play all the notes.

Extra Supplies: Not required but if you’d like to donate these for the class it’s appreciated.

-Small, Medium and Large Ziploc Bags

-Clorox wipes

-Colored pencils

-Colored copy paper

5th grade Supply List 2014-2015

5th Grade supply list for 2014-2015

- 1 pack of mechanical pencils

- 3 highlighters (yellow, green, and purple)

- 7 spiral notebooks - College ruled - different colors / Per semester

- Pencil Box

- Glue Sticks

- Crayons/Colored Pencils

- Sharpies (2+)

- 2+ correcting pens

- 3 whiteboard markers

- 2 boxes of tissue

- $20, this may be used for but not be limited to field trip fees (non-travel fees), classroom supplies, or class project needs.



- Hand Sanitizer

- Clorox Wipes (No Bleach)


2014-2015 School Year Information

We are beginning to get ready for a new school year ...

IMPORTANT DATES to start the school year:

Thurs. Aug. 7th  5pm-7pm    Back to School PFA Barbeque in JWES cafeteria

Thurs. Aug . 7th   Class Rosters posted on your student Infinite campus account on line, log into     Infinite Campus to find out who your new teacher will be

Mon. Aug 11th 8:55AM 1st day of school for all 1st-6th grade students

Mon. Aug 11th - Fri Aug . 15th Kindergarten 1 on 1 screening meetings with teacher, student & family. Families signed up for their date and time when they registered.

Mon. Aug 18th 8:55AM 1st day of school or all kindergarten students

VACATION WEEKS  in the 2014-2105 School year:

Fall Break (1 week): Mon. Oct. 6th - Fri. Oct. 10th

Winter Break ( 3 weeks): Dec. 19th- Jan. 9th

Spring Break ( 2 weeks) March 30th- April 10th

JWES Teachers and Staff for 2014-2015

Jerry Whitehead Elementary School 2014 -2015
Congratulations to our many teachers who have retired this year, thank you for all of your wonderful years at Whitehead.

Welcome to our new Whitehead Teachers, who each come to us from another school in the WCSD.

Kindergarten Half Day Free AM : Ms. Katherine Champagne
Kindergarten Full Day Tuition Based: Ms. Kristy Grow
                         Full Day Teacher Aide: Ms. Shannon Steele

1st Grade: Ms. Jessica Cabanilla
1st Grade: Ms. Michelle Lesseig
1st Grade: Ms. Amber Shivers

2nd Grade: Ms. Cassandra Carr
2nd Grade: Ms. Kelly Hiatt
2nd Grade: Ms. Julie Rogers

3rd Grade: Ms. Cassie Houlf
3rd Grade: Ms. Karen King
3rd Grade: Ms. Lori Leary

4th Grade: Ms. Geri Moore
4th Grade: Ms. Johnna Ramos

5th Grade: Mr.Brian VanKirk
5th Grade: Mr. William Squires

6th Grade: Mr. Doug Geis
6th Grade: Ms. JoAnn Hainline
6th Grade: Ms. Frances Squires

Resource: Ms. Dana Wells
Speech: Ms. Holly Anderson
Counselor:  Ms. Susie Elliot

Music: Ms. Christine Anderson
Computer: Ms. Christine Chatham
Phys Ed:

Office Secretary: Ms. Cameran Stolz
Office Clerk/TBFDK Tuition Clerk:
Clinical Aide: Ms. Sandie Malan
Site Facilities Coordinator: Mr. David Covington
Night Custodian: Mr. Stepehen Shults

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Full Day Tuition Kindergarten Supply List 2014-2015

TBFD (Tuition Based Full Day) Kindergarten Supply List 2014

A standard backpack (no mini backpacks or suitcases)

Please label with their first/last name

One lunch box labeled with first and last name
One small box of 24 crayons
Two 4oz. bottle of Elmer’s glue
12 Elmer’s glue sticks
2 big pink erasers
black expo markers
Box of gallon size bags with sliding Ziploc
1-2 reams of white Xerox paper.
$20 to be used for the first field trip, supplies, snack cups & pencil boxes that have already been purchased for them.

One big box of crackers or other snack item for our community snack. This could be: graham crackers, animal crackers, Teddy Grahams,Cheez-Its, goldfish, wheat thins, Ritz crackers,saltine crackers, fruit snacks, Craisins, raisins, or Squeeze applesauce etc.  Please no cookies or candy!!


Students with last name ending A-G          

Box of sandwich size baggies that zip

Box of Kleenex and a tub of Clorox wipes

Students with last names ending H-R 

A package brown lunch bags  

A box of Fun band-aids 

Students with last names ending S-Z

Box of #2 pencils (these could be themed)

A bag of cotton balls.                  

Half Day Free Kinder Supply List 2014-2015

AM Half-day Free Kindergarten Supply List 2014-2015

• A standard backpack (no mini backpacks or suitcases)

  *Please label with their first/last name

• One lunch box labeled with first and last name
• One small box of 24 crayons
• Two 4oz. bottle of Elmer’s glue
• 12 Elmer’s glue sticks
• 2 big pink erasers
• 2 black expo markers
• 1 box of Kleenex
• Box of gallon size bags with sliding Ziploc
• 1-2 reams of white Xerox paper
• $20 to be used for the first field trip, supplies, and pencil boxes that have already been purchased for them.


Students with last name ending A-G:

Box of sandwich size baggies that zip

A tub of Clorox wipes


Students with last names ending H-R:

A package of brown lunch bags

A box of Fun band-aids


Students with last names ending S-Z:

Box of #2 pencils (these could be themed)



Thank you!!


1st grade Supply List 2014-2015

First Grade Supply List 2014-2015


1 plastic school box (8x4 ½ inches- no bigger please)

1 box of crayons – 24 count

1 package of glue sticks

1 package of regular markers to be used for drawing

1 bottle of Elmer’s Glue – o.z.

Scissors – blunt point please


1 backpack – NO ROLLERS PLEASE

1 large box of tissues to share with the class


$20.00 for classroom publications and activities

If you send a check, please make it payable to

Jerry Whitehead Elementary School


First grade desks are very small.  Please do not send any additional supplies, as we do not have room to store them.

2nd grade Supply List 2014-2015


2nd Grade Supply List 2014-2015 

      $20 classroom fee for supplies and activities

  5” x 13” School Box – no handles, no substitutions, please.

                Note: these are larger than standard pencil boxes.  Available at Office Depot

  1 Pack of Crayons (16 or 24 crayons)


  1 Package of Colored Pencils-prefer erasable

  1 Pocket Folder

  4 Glue Sticks

  2 box of Tissues

  1 container of Clorox or Lysol wipes

  2 Packages of  Dry Erase Markers- 2 small and 2 large

  1 Highlighter – any color

  Extra pencils, erasers, and markers for classroom supply



Please do not buy large binders or notebooks: they will not fit into student desks.

Please write your child’s name on coats, sweatshirts, etc.

3rd grade Supply List 2014-2015

Third Grade Supply List



This list gets us started but throughout the year we may need to ask for additional consumable supplies like Kleenex, markers or crayons.


A sturdy backpack to keep track of school and home information

(please no rollers on the backpack)



Fiskars brand is the best


Canvas pencil pouch NOT a pencil box

Pouches are about $1.00.

The all plastic ones do not last as long as the canvas backed ones.


One 4 pack of glue sticks


One 4 ounce bottle of Elmer’s white glue

School Glue does not work as well


One box of 16 or 24 crayons


Eight dark Expo or dry erase markers


Two packages of pink erasers


Two Composition Style Notebooks (not spiral)


A box of tissues


$20.00 for TIME for KidsNational Geographic Explorer and activity supplies

Field trip money will be collected at the time of the field trip.


Please do NOT send any additional supplies as we do not have room to store them.


We will provide pencils and folders for all of the students.

4th grade Supply List 2014-2015

4th grade Supply List 2014-2015

One (1 )3-Subject Spiral Notebook

One (1) Composition Journal Book

Four (4) Pocket Folders (Please make sure the pockets go across, not up and down)

One (1) Box of Kleenex

One (1) Pair of Scissors

One (1) Pencil Bag or Box

One (1) Box of Baby Wipes/Lysol Wipes

One (1) Large Glue Stick

Several #2 Lead Pencils

One (1) Pencil Pouch or Box

One (1) 12-inch Ruler

One (1) Box small zip lock bags

Two (2) Black Sharpies

***Please No Binders*** (They do not fit in desks)

$20.00 Classroom Supplies –( $10.00 Spectra Art/Holiday Gifts/$10.00 Field Trip Fees)


$5.00 for a Music Recorder for Music Class

Optional Supplies:

Colored Pencils/Markers

Gel Pens