Friday, August 9, 2013

PFA Purchases a New School Sign

The PFA at Whitehead ES purchased a new sign for our front entrance. Thank you parents for brining a new marquee to our campus. 

Our new sign will welcome back families at the start of this new school year. 
The new sign will be able to display messages for our families on both sides.

The old sign has welcomed visitors to Whitehead for many wonderful years.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Getting the scoop on your teacher !

Enjoying ice cream was one way over 70 families helped to support our school. 

Parents, and family members spent time getting to know each other at the PFA ice cream social.

Last night as I was welcoming families to the PFA ice cream social when I found myself smiling with joy .  All of a sudden our silent summer hallways were filled with laughter.  I wait all summer to hear that sound... the sound of students and the start of a new school year. For a principal , the first day of school is like Christmas morning. I get excited, and nervous and can't sleep the night before from anticipation of the 500 beautiful gifts we will receive on the first day of school . After seeing so many smiling faces last night, I am so excited for a new year to begin ! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ladybugs spotted at Whitehead

Our wonderful teachers returned to Whitehead today, to an infestation of ladybugs. Ladybug cupcakes, ladybug puppets, and ladybug erasers. The most important ladybugs were 13 brand new "Ladibug" document cameras that come to our classrooms thanks to a grant provided to our school from The EL Cord Foundation. 

These new technology teaching tools will connect to the computer and the LCD projector and allow teachers and students to project books or iPad images up on the big screen to just name one of the many uses. These visual supports will help to increase student engagement during instruction . So look for the "Ladibug" in your child's classroom and ask him/her how they are using it to learn.
The "Ladibug" document camera .

Today's meeting gave our teachers and staff members a chance to develop PBIS school wide expectations, and begin to discuss how to best integrate technology into teaching and learning.