Third Grade Supply List
This list gets us started but throughout the year we may need to ask for additional consumable supplies like Kleenex, markers or crayons.
A sturdy backpack to keep track of school and home information
(please no rollers on the backpack)
Fiskars brand is the best
Canvas pencil pouch NOT a pencil box
Pouches are about $1.00.
The all plastic ones do not last as long as the canvas backed ones.
One 4 pack of glue sticks
One 4 ounce bottle of Elmer’s white glue
School Glue does not work as well
One box of 16 or 24 crayons
Eight dark Expo or dry erase markers
Two packages of pink erasers
Two Composition Style Notebooks (not spiral)
A box of tissues
$20.00 for TIME for Kids, National Geographic Explorer and activity supplies
Field trip money will be collected at the time of the field trip.
Please do NOT send any additional supplies as we do not have room to store them.
We will provide pencils and folders for all of the students.
Should we only buy school supplies listed on this list for 3rd grade or should we also buy the supplies listed on the 3rd/4th grade list as well?